Arthouse2B's Annual Artist Retreat:
Behold the Beautiful One: Mary, Mother of Beauty
Inspired by the National Eucharistic Revival that has been happening throughout the United States, Behold the Beautiful One is a retreat for artists inviting them to come and encounter the Beauty that inspires and calls us deeper into creativity as artists. Through Mass, Eucharistic adoration, confession, music, talks, fellowship with other artists and Eucharistic creativity offered over three days, participants experienced the Beauty that inspires our art and were challenged to enter more deeply into the vocation we have as artists to point others to the Beautiful One. We are grateful to have had the support of several religious communities for the retreat, including the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, Sisters of Life, Dominicans of St. Joseph's Provence, and Piarist Fathers.
Friday, April 12 at 7pm - Sunday, April 14 at 3:30pm
Annunciation Church
88 Convent Ave.
New York, NY 10027